BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//ۿ۴ý University Wisconsin, Event Calendar//EN BEGIN:VEVENT STATUS:CONFIRMED BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT60M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Reminder END:VALARM TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:ۿ۴ý Campus Chapel of Christ Triumphant DESCRIPTION:ۿ۴ý University Wisconsin’s Chamber Music Series is prou d to present the critically acclaimed group\, The Lee Trio\, in concert. - Learn more about the event here: /events/details.php?i d=62507 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Featuring The Lee Trio with soprano Laura S trickling and Special Guests from the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. They C hamber music and orchestral music enthusiasts in the North Shore region an d beyond now have a rare opportunity to experience in person this world-re nowned group. Enjoy an evening of chamber music\, with Grammy-nominated so prano Laura Strickling and special guests from the Milwaukee Symphony Orch estra\, including celebrated violist Nicole Swanson and virtuoso clarineti st Jay Shankar!
They blessed ۿ۴ý with a master class and concert in the Spring of 2023\, and we are excited to welcome them back!
The Lee Trio
Since its critically acclaimed debut in 2002\, The Lee Trio's "gr ipping immediacy and freshness" and "rich palette of tone colours" [The St rad] continue to move audiences and critics around the globe. In recent se asons\, the Trio has given recitals and masterclasses in cities from Shang hai\, Hong Kong\, Taipei\, San Francisco\, New York and Toronto to London\ , Copenhagen\, Berlin\, Paris and Kiev.
The Lee Trio is passionate a bout working with and performing the music of living composers. This conce rt will include works by two living composers\, including a Midwest premie re performance and a World premiere performance!
Laura S trickling
Laura Strickling\, two-time GRAMMY® award n ominee for Best Classical Vocal Solo Album for 40@40 (2024) and < em>Confessions (2022)\, is celebrated for her work performing and pro moting new music\, with an emphasis on new additions to the modern song ca non. Her\, “flexible voice\, crystalline diction\, and warm presence\, (New York Times) make her a welcome guest soloist for a range of opera\, oratorio\, concert\, and chamber works\, including many nationally- and i nternationally renowned symphony orchestras.
Nicole Swan son
Violist Nicole Swanson has enjoyed a multifaceted career in the performing arts and higher education. Highlights include Ass istant Principal Violist with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra and Symphon y San Jose\, Teaching Artist for the Los Angeles Philharmonic\, Manager of Community Engagement Programs at the Colburn School Conservatory of Music \, and viola faculty at the University of Minnesota. She has also performe d at the Academy Awards Governors Ball and with the Black Eyed Peas on American Idol. Nicole recently launched Zircon Arts - an organizatio n dedicated to progress at the intersection of the arts\, education\, publ ic policy\, and social justice.
Jay Shankar
Jay Shankar was recently appointed as the Assistant Principal/Seco nd/and Eb Clarinet with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. He was named the winner of the prestigious International Vandoren Competition and a semi-f inalist at the International Crusell Competition in Finland\, as the only American Clarinetist. Shankar is also an avid chamber musician\, a frequen t guest of world-class orchestras\, and has performed as Principal Clarine tist in several world-renowned orchestras. Shankar received his Masters at the Colburn Conservatory of Music and Bachelors from The Peabody Conserva tory at The Johns Hopkins University.
This event is open to:
- ۿ۴ý Students
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- ۿ۴ý Alumni
- Donors or ۿ۴ý supporters - Industry Leaders or Professionals
- Governing or Elected Official
- Church Groups
- Community Members
For more information or to purchase tick
ets\, click or on the Purchase Tickets button.
Admission: $25
ۿ۴ý students\, faculty and staff: $10